The Ultimate UCAT Course

Australian Medical Academy’s UCAT course is designed to be your one stop shop for UCAT preparation.

The course provides small weekly classes taken by some of Australia's top scoring medical students and doctors all for under $25 an hour.

  • Signing up gives you access to small group classes taken by our high scoring UCAT tutors, with all notes and resources provided by us.

  • Signing up gives students access to weekly consolidation workshops which run every weekend.

  • The Australian Medical Academy provides students with weekly notes including techniques, walkthroughs and summaries, alongside worksheets and questions.

Our Tutors

  • Jaden Prabaharan

    3330 UCAT Tutor

    Monash Medical Student with over 200+ hours of tutoring experience

  • Imogen Kleidon

    3470 UCAT Tutor

    99.75 ATAR

    Recieved offers from universities nationwide including UNSW, Monash, UQ, JCU, USQ, CSU and JMP.

    Recipient of the Peter Doherty Award for Excellence in STEM.

  • Chanul Weerabahu

    3340 UCAT Tutor

    Recieved offers from universities nationwide including UNSW, Monash, UQ, JCU and JMP.

Australia’s highest scoring medical students and doctors, leading small classes with modern resources - all yours for less than $25 an hour.

Interested in a free trial class?

Fill out the form below to enrol and jumpstart your UCAT journey.